
Working Visit to the Educational Institutions of Yerevan


Within the frameworks of the "Education Improvement Project " with Additional Financing (EIP AF) the sub-component ''Promoting School Readiness and Equal Opportunities at the Start of General Education '' continues its activities. In this context the establishment of new pre-schools will launch this year in Yerevan and in the communities of RA seven regions. On March 15 the representatives of the sub-component ''Promoting School Readiness and Equal Opportunities at the Start of General Education'' visited the educational institutions of Yerevan, to conduct needs assessment and awareness activities. The visits had been conducted based on the list provided by the respective department of Yerevan Regional Administration, which included the names of the educational institutions that were in need of preschool establishment.. The working visits started from the General school N151 of Yerevan and then the grants-coordinator of the sub-component ''Promoting School Readiness and Equal Opportunities at the Start of General Education'' of the CEP PIU Armen Martirosyan and Engineer-consultant V. Boyajyan visited General schools No. 80, No. 123, No. 167, No. 98, No.88, No.110 of Yerevan. Within the framework of the visits, working meetings were held with the directors of educational institutions.  


21.11.2024 Signing of Grant Agreements for the Establishment of Pre-Schools Within the frameworks of the "Education Improvement Project Additional Financing" (EIP AF) loan project the provision of grants for the establishment of preschool institutions is ongoing. The project aims to increase the involvement of children in pre-school education institutions, to prepare children for entering the primary school thus ensuring the smooth transition. On November 20 meetings with the directors of educational institutions of Aragatsotn and Armavirregions were held... 19.11.2024 Working Visit to Artashat High Schools of RA Ararat Region For the purpose of technical monitoring of the quality and progress of rehabilitation works of high schools in the frameworks of "Education Improvement Project Additional Financing"loan project,visits had been conducted by the representatives of CEP PIU to RA regions during the entire rehabilitation process .The visits in November were carried out by the PIU representatives of the 1.2 subcomponent Grigor Baghdasaryan and Manvel Saribekyan. The representatives of the CEP PIU got... 15.11.2024 The Representatives of the 1.1 SubcomponentVisited Some Educational Institutions in the RA Marzes On November 8 and 12, the representatives of the 1.1 subcomponent "Promoting School Readiness and Equal Opportunities at the Start of General Education", ArmenMartirosyan and Liana Sharoyanvisited some educational institutions in the RA marzeson the basis of which the preschools, established within the framework of the sub-component have become fully operational since September 01. The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the activities of the preschools established...