


RA Center for Education Projects PIU was founded on October 11, 1996 by No. 298-M order of RA Minister of Education and Science. During this period CEP has implemented two credit projects. Currently ''Education Improvement'' project is in progress.
1. “Education Financing and Management Reform Project”, 1998-2002. Main aim of this project was to ensure financing of general education system and increase in teacher salaries, increase in efficiency of the use of resources, democratization of the system, as well as in-school management improvement, contributing to the improvement of education quality. It consisted of two sub-projects:
• Textbook production and distribution;
• Establishment of logistics of education reform, which in its turn included the components of development of a strategy for education reform and of the training of head staff of the school and components of the implementation of school improvement project.
2. “Education Quality and Relevance” First Project, 2003-2009, the purpose of which was to direct the development of Armenia's educational system to the demands of the knowledge-based economy. The project consisted of four sub-projects:
• Establishment of educational programs, of the curriculum and of a new evaluation system,
• Investment of information and communication technologies in educational system,
• Teachers' Professional Development,
• Improvement of the management of educational system and increase in efficiency.
“Education Quality and Relevance” Second Credit Project, 2009-2014, the purpose of which was to direct development of the Armenian Education System towards the demands of knowledge-based economy through ensuring increase in the quality of General and Tertiary Education that meets the social-economic needs of the society. It consisted of two sub-projects:
• Enhancing the Quality of General Education,
• Supporting Tertiary Education Reforms in the Context of the Bologna Agenda.
Currently ''Education Improvement'' project is in progress, 2014-2019, which has two purposes: further improvement of general education, ensuring readiness of children entering elementary school and improving the physical conditions and the availability of educational resources in high schools and support to higher education institutions ensuring education quality and relevance. This project is based on the results of ''Education Quality and Relevance” first and second projects.


21.11.2024 Signing of Grant Agreements for the Establishment of Pre-Schools Within the frameworks of the "Education Improvement Project Additional Financing" (EIP AF) loan project the provision of grants for the establishment of preschool institutions is ongoing. The project aims to increase the involvement of children in pre-school education institutions, to prepare children for entering the primary school thus ensuring the smooth transition. On November 20 meetings with the directors of educational institutions of Aragatsotn and Armavirregions were held... 19.11.2024 Working Visit to Artashat High Schools of RA Ararat Region For the purpose of technical monitoring of the quality and progress of rehabilitation works of high schools in the frameworks of "Education Improvement Project Additional Financing"loan project,visits had been conducted by the representatives of CEP PIU to RA regions during the entire rehabilitation process .The visits in November were carried out by the PIU representatives of the 1.2 subcomponent Grigor Baghdasaryan and Manvel Saribekyan. The representatives of the CEP PIU got... 15.11.2024 The Representatives of the 1.1 SubcomponentVisited Some Educational Institutions in the RA Marzes On November 8 and 12, the representatives of the 1.1 subcomponent "Promoting School Readiness and Equal Opportunities at the Start of General Education", ArmenMartirosyan and Liana Sharoyanvisited some educational institutions in the RA marzeson the basis of which the preschools, established within the framework of the sub-component have become fully operational since September 01. The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the activities of the preschools established...